Microsoft Dynamics Nav License Crack


Microsoft Dynamics NAV is sold through a network of certified partners which through planning, implementation, customization and support aim to optimize and customize the solutions the individual and unique needs you have as a customer.

Perpetual Licensing

Licensing Guide for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 System Requirements Supported Operating System Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1. Required Microsoft licenses: Dynamics NAV 4 or 5: NAS: Navision Application Server (NAS) NAV Connector, Granule 11123310 SC; NAV 2009 module based: web services: Dynamics NAV Server, Granule 9100; Dynamics NAV 2009, Granule 2140 Granule 7120 Granule 7150; NAV Connector, Granule 11123310 SC; NAV 2009 business essentials advanced management: web.

The newlicensing structureforDynamicsNAV'PerpetualLicensing'was introduced inalongwith the launch ofMicrosoftDynamicsNAV2013.

The licensemodel isdesigned in ordertomake it easier andmore manageablefor companies tobuyMicrosoftDynamicsNAVand therebyoptimize theirfinancialinsight anddistributionmanagement as well asstreamlineother functionalareas.

So you canlicenseDynamicsNAVthroughfour keycomponents:

Additionalconfiguration componentsare also available.

The functionalitiesofMicrosoftDynamicsNAVis licensedthrough continuoususerlicenses.


1. Starter Pack

Microsofthas made it easyforcompaniestoquickly and cheaplystartusingMicrosoftDynamicsNAV. 'StarterPack'providesof core functionalitieswithin financeand distributionas well as three'FullUser'licenses.The functionalitiesin the'StarterPack,is designed tohelp customersin the following ways:

  • Gain controland insight intoyour finances
  • Manageyoursales goodsand materialsin adistributionenvironment
  • Provideslicensedusers aunique view ofthe business fromvirtually anywherethrough a variety ofclients.

As a customer you buy a license for one 'Starter Pack' per implemented ERP solution. For many customers, this is the only licensed component they need.

Please note:

  • A singleMicrosoftDynamicsERP solutioncanleverage the resources ofmultiple servers orprocessors
  • Licenses foradditionalsoftwarerequired forthe solution,such asMicrosoftWindowsServer,MicrosoftSQLServerorMicrosoftSharePointServerisnot included in theStarterPacklicense.Such additionalsoftwaresolutionsmust be licensed underthe applicablelicense terms

2. Extended Pack

If youas a customer wantto implement some ofthe more advancedfunctionalitiesMicrosoftDynamicsdelivers, you can purchasea license tothe optional'ExtendedPack'which expandsthe existing solution. 'ExtendedPack'addsfunctionalities thatallows youtointegratefinancialcoreitems anddistributionmanagementwith extensiveindustry-specificfunctionalities such as:

  • Production
  • Warehousing
    Controlsthe warehouseto support theoperations
  • Professional Services
    Handle the generated billables by consultants
  • Basic Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
    Managescustomer andsupplier relationshipsand offerthe highest quality ofservice and support
Microsoft Dynamics Nav License CrackMicrosoft dynamics nav license crack download

The first three'FullUsers'included in'StarterPack' hasaccess to all theincrementalfunctionalities.

Please note:

  • The 'StarterPack' isa preconditiontobuythe 'ExtendedPack'
  • When purchasing'ExtendedPack'allfunctionalitiesforall the current andfuture users are extended

3. Full User

As'FullUser'you as a userhaveunlimitedread and write accessto allfunctionalities ofthe ERP system.


4. Limited User

A'LimitedUser'has unlimitedreadingrights, but onlylimitedwrite access.The 'Limiteduser' licenseis intended asa cheaper alternative tosystem expansionwith users whoonlyneedlimitedprivileges,to perform theirrespective functions.

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